Review Opp-Children's Book

Raymond Brain has the unfortunate task of announcing to his fellow residents of the Body Village that flu season is returning. To make things worse he has to tell everyone the scary news that this year they are going to get a flu shot, which is not what they want to hear. But when he reminds them of how horrible they felt last time they got the flu, the Body Village residents welcome Nurse Vaccine and her flu shot with a ready arm.

Brooklyn, NY, 8/23/10 - With flu season just around the corner, many parents are already dreading the idea of taking their child to the doctor's office to get a flu shot and the tears, kicking and screaming that goes along with it. This year, parents armed with the new book, Nurse Vaccine, can ease their children's anxiety about getting flu shots.

Nurse Vaccine, by Justin Noble, addresses the fear that children face when receiving shots and describes some of the symptoms and preventative measures associated with the flu. Nurse Vaccine will show children that while getting a flu shot does hurt a little, the temporary pain is much better than getting sick.

Steven Reinberg of says, "A record number of Americans - especially children and younger adults - got seasonal flu shots during the just concluded flu season." He goes on to say forty percent of children in the United States received a flu shot last year. With "155 million doses of flu shots and sprays available for the upcoming flu season," according to Dr. Gupta of CNN Health, this year should see clinics, Doctors' offices, and elementary schools even more full of frightened children waiting to receive their flu shot.

Nurse Vaccine is the second book in the Body Village series. The Body Village is a unique series of books that introduces children to the exciting world inside their body.

Through the interactions of characters representing their internal organs, the books teach children how their bodies function, what is going on when they aren't feeling well, and how to promote healthy living in an entertaining yet educational way.

About the book:

Nurse Vaccine by Justin Noble
ISBN: 978-0-557-28875-5
Date of publish: March 9, 2010
Pages: 32
S.R.P.: $13.60

About the author:
Justin Noble was raised in Texas and resides in Brooklyn, NY where he is a children's book author and actor. He is a graduate of Texas Christian University and the proud uncle of three wonderful nephews. He is the author of "Artie's Party: featuring the Vita-Men!" and "Steven the Upset Stomach"

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